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Understanding the Future

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Focus / IT

Business Focus/IT

The buying process for technology products in the enterprise typically follows the following basic model:

Trigger Event - A business or business process event that brings awareness to someone in authority that a compelling reason exists to address a need.

Needs Assessment - The task of understanding and defining what that need is, from a business or business process point of view

Solution Specification - The task of understanding technical, resource and organizational requirements and constraints

Vendor Selection - The task of selecting brands, vendor or channel from qualified alternatives.

Business Focus/IT applies this model within a primary research framework to develop an understanding of the specifics and the complexities of the buying process for the clients' product or service. Who are the decision makers and influencers, and what are their issues of concern, are clearly identified for each step in the buying process. Additionally, we explore how information about alternatives is sought out and obtained. Our methodology, technology and marketing consultants will analyze the result and apply their experience and insight to address three fundamental questions:

  • What did the respondents say, consensus and outliers?
  • What did the respondents mean, the real reasons behind their opinions and perceptions?
  • What does it mean for the client, actionable recommendations drawn from contextual interpretation?

Business Focus/IT is an effective research tool applicable to many strategic and tactical marketing situations, ranging from product development and design to creating effective advertising. With successfully application to services as well as to hardware and software products, it is one of the most powerful research tools available for extracting data and information and delivering knowledge and actionable recommendations.

Consumer Focus/IT

Technology is an evolutionary agent in society. Since the first application of computing technology at the start of World War II to the present we have seen more and more of our fundamental commercial and personal processes change as they migrated from manual, mechanical or older electronic implementations to current technologies. What started out as a better way of computing is now a better way of managing our lives.

Today, much of the primary research in the consumer markets is centered on these Life Management processes. Consumer primary research today presents new design challenges in both the qualifying and the execution phases. The choice of which taxonomies and metrics to apply in building the qualifying criteria depends upon a large number of factors including the decisions that have to be met and the natural market topology.

While Economic, Demographic and Cultural factors certainly influence technology adoption and buying decisions for the individual or the household, Daniel Research Group has determined that the most important causal influence is Life Cycle Stage. In its simples form the taxonomy for this variable is:

  • Pre-Child Rearing individuals or households
  • Early-Child Rearing individuals or households
  • Late-Child Rearing individuals or households
  • Post-Child Rearing individuals or households

Daniel Research Group has used this segmentation coupled with the more traditional taxonomies in many consumer primary research engagements and has achieved results that provided our clients with a clear understanding of the consumer buying process.

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